Clear and Concise

About Concise

Professional and reliable

As owner of Concise Communications Inc., I realize there are many businesses that are great serving customers but need help with bringing their communications to the next level. I am ready to help! I’ve worked with civil engineers, software engineers, chiropractors, nonprofit organizations, life coaches, and more on making their copy polished and professional. I can help you boost the impact of your words with an editorial review that includes:

  • Checking for readability and clarity

  • Ensuring grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are correct and consistent

  • Writing headlines and subheaders that guide your readers and keep them engaged

  • Reading through tables, figures, appendixes to make sure they convey the intended information and align with in-text call outs

  • Preparing documents for PDF production (with tables of content, bookmarks/hyperlinks, and formatting)

I’ve worked as an editor and writer for high tech and engineering firms for 20+ years, so I’m experienced in editing copy for technical audiences. Let’s get together!